Why choose Opifex?
Manage data in one platform
Data collection from IIoT/AIoT devices
No-code data processing
Publish data to IIoT/AIoT devices
Data sharing and integration
Easily manage rules for alarms and notifications
Set unlimited conditions for alarms
Set alarm severity
Notify via email and/or WhatsApp
Flexible reporting system allows you to quickly analyze and continuously monitor the process
Export and scheduled report of process data
Creation of customized reports (PDF and Excel)
Use of various graphical widgets
Automatic sending of a scheduled report by e-mail and/or WhatsApp
Opifex tariffs
- 100 tags
- 3 connectors
- 3 dashboards
- Alarms and notifications
- 3 scheduled reports
- Unlimited number of users
- 1 day of training
- Free version upgrade
- 8/5 support
- 100+ tags
- 5 connectors
- 5 dashboards
- Alarms and notifications
- 5 scheduled reports
- Unlimited number of users
- 1-2 days of training
- Free version upgrade
- 8/5 support
- 1000+ tags
- 5+ connectors
- 5+ dashboards
- Alarms and notifications
- 5+ scheduled reports
- Unlimited number of users
- 1-5 days of training
- Free version upgrade
- 24/7 support
Contact us
Working hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 - 18:00